Jute Bags

Jute Bags

The jute bag, a traditional packaging which has been delivered by Nebig for decades.

Jute bags have excellent characteristics and are especially used for the storage of food.

A few sectors where jute bags are utilised are potatoes, seeds, grains, herbs and spices.

Besides new bags we also deliver used or misprint bags for various purposes. The bags we get back from the food industry are reconditioned and reused.

Jute bags are available in different sizes and cloth weights; they can also be bleached or delivered in standard colours.

Furthermore, the jute bags can be printed by us double sided and in multiple colours.

If you have any questions you can reach Ivo Haije, our specialist in Jute bags.

Ivo Haije
CCO – Key Account Management

T/ +31 (0) 226 – 33 29 29
E/ i.haije@nebig.com